Aug 25, 2008
Mempertimbangkan Periksa Hormon?
Seperti biasa, PMS mengganggu lagi. Capek rasanya.

Kata Abi, aku tersugesti--bahwa PMS = uring2an. Tapi, masa iya? Hanya karena tersugesti?

Atau, jgn2 hormonku gak seimbang ya? Apa perlu diseimbangkan? Hm...

Dari sini:

"(Sept. 2002)... Researchers now know that PMS is not a simple result of an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone — commonly referred to as “female hormones”, or any other single hormone. A number of studies have found nothing abnormal in the levels or ratios of these hormones in women who experience PMS."

Hmmm...jd pingin cek ke dokter...

ditulis oleh Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom pada jam 17:30 | Permalink |

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